
Brand Photographer, Visual Strategist, Small Business Consultant, Mother, Artist, Foodie.
I'm so glad you're here, and hope you gather up all the gems to help your business stand out for your ideal client!

Hi! I'm Kattie!

Here's your resource for all things related to the visual side of your brand, how it attracts - and repels - your audience, tips and tricks and hacks, case studies, etc... Everything I write is for you, and the absolute goal to help you level-up your brand to grow your business. 

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Grow Your Business Faster with Ideal Clients

Work with your ideal client

Visual Marketing Strategy

Today I’m sharing 4 key strategies to grow your business faster with ideal clients.

It’s applicable to both service and product-based business owners – from coaches to creatives to real estate agents. If you’re looking to grow your business with your ideal clientele, implementing this will put you on the fast track!

“When you serve everyone, you serve no one.”

This phase “When you serve everyone, you serve no one.” isn’t just about honing in to declare your niche market. It also applies to the type of person you want to work with too! When you know who you are speaking to, your messaging gets crystal clear!

If you need to define your ideal client, I’ve got a free resource for you here. It’s quick and one of the best exercises you can do for your business. Carve out 15 minutes and build your ideal client avatar.

#1: Be Clear on Your Brand Message

Know your values and communicate them – this foundation is so important for both you AND your audience. Sharing content with the same mindset as your audience puts you on the fast track to create a connection.

Immerse your brand values into your client experience – not just the time they work with you. Start with the content you put out on social media, to the user’s journey on your website. Look at how you communicate on your business card. Review the organization and clarity of your onboarding workflow. What do the packaging and instructions that accompany your product convey? Review every interaction your client experiences, all the way to the delivery of your client satisfaction survey.

Your brand is determined based on how your customer feels during every step of the experience.

Show what it’s like to work with you. How you solve a problem, or provide an indulgence. Showcase what makes you different. And finally, share your story. How you got started and what inspired you then, and now. Share your journey of continued education to become an expert in your field. This major factor establishes authority and communicates your dedication to serving in the best possible way.

#2: Attract Your Ideal Client Using Visuals

The fastest way to attract your ideal client is with your brand visuals. At a quick glance, a visual will either attract or repel a viewer. Images, graphics, videos, colors, fonts, and logos all contribute to that instant decision. Your ideal client sees over 10, 000 images a day. Be intentional in the ones you use to capture their attention.

Even though descriptive words are powerful, a visual is more efficient. It can tell a story in a shorter time. It creates emotion and sets expectations much faster than reading. Our brain processes words as tiny little pictures. So naturally, it takes longer to process each character, that makes up the word, to create the sentence. Eventually, we process and comprehend the concept of the text.

However, copy remains an important piece of your attraction pie. The two components together powerfully communicate your brand values, convey your expertise, and showcase your client experience. According to Brain Rules, when people hear information, they’re likely to remember only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.

Don’t design for your brand, design for the people interacting with your brand. 

According to Venngage, between 51% and 80% of businesses will heavily rely on visual content in 2021. Where does your business fall in this range?

The members of your audience that resonate with your brand visuals will quickly embark on the like, know, trust path. They’ll stick around to hear and see more of what you offer, and show interest by increasing engagement. This not only helps with the algorithm but also provides you with significant market research! Use this to further hone your messaging and help refine your offering. We like those double-wins!

Speaking of wins, another one is helping those who aren’t the best fit to move on faster. Again, helping you with that algorithm, but more importantly, and saving you both precious time.

#3: Shorten the sales cycle and grow your business faster with ideal clients.

How can working with your ideal client shorten the sales cycle and grow your business faster? It’s actually pretty simple. Show that you know their pain points by presenting the solution. Doing this, while also sharing your unique value-add, is like getting the fast pass to your favorite ride at Disneyland. But with your ideal client as your co-rider.

By sharing your process behind-the-scenes of how you do what you do, you give insight into your client experience. This helps envision what it looks like to work with you. It’s easier for a prospect to picture themselves working with you. This enables their ability to make a faster decision that you’re their best choice, or not.

Sharing those big, or little, nuances that make you different can tip the scale and create a new client relationship. And, if they’re not quite ready for what you offer, when the time comes you’ll be top of mind! Or, if you’re currently out of their price range, it might just be the incentive they need to save up for YOU.

Don’t leave money on the table.

Grow your business by educating your ideal client on everything you offer, both tangible and service!

The more you share about your business with your audience, the better informed they are to determine you’re their best choice. Educate on what you offer, and how you do it to help your ideal client make their decision faster!

#4: Invest time and money into on-brand marketing to attract your ideal client.

You’re already investing time and money in marketing, make sure it resonates with the client you want to attract.

An important step to grow your business is to invest in on-brand images. Then share them on your social media and showcase them on your website. Have a strategy for the images you use. The story they tell is paramount and greatly impacts the decision-making process for your ideal client.

Showing the client experience you provide shortens your sales cycle. Having visibility into what it’s like working with you, the value you bring, and what they can expect, can greatly influence your audience in deciding if you’re the right one for them.

It also helps increase your revenue because clients know about your services or product and why they need your solution. It communicates your value and authority of expertise. Ultimately, it sets you apart from your competition so you can grow your business. And with the very people you created it for in the first place!

If you’d like to brainstorm or create your strategy on how to position your business to start attracting your ideal client, click here and let’s talk!

- Katherine

"Kattie has this uncanny ability to listen to your own words, filter it through her strategic brain, and speak it back to you with SO MUCH clarity."

- Matilyn

"Kattie made me feel so comfortable with finding ways to express who I really am in every photo." 

- Tenisha

"Kattie was super chill in her approach, and knowledgeable in what photos should be taken and how to use them to their fullest potential."

- Brandy

"Kattie knows exactly what she's doing and made me feel really comfortable!"

- Suze

"Kattie is a fabulous photographer and got WAY more out of me than I could’ve ever imagined!"